Tuesday, September 3, 2013

say cheez!

It's a must for us to clean our teeth from time to time. We should take care of them and be disciplined enough to brush them as often as we could (every after meal, day and night). Here's a perfect article for this..

(from yahoo Philippines Beauty section)

Flash Those Pearly Whites!

1. Sip your beverages through a straw. 
Yes, it sounds weird, but sipping your soda, tea, and coffee through a straw (or sip-type cup, if you like your latte hot) helps avoid contact with your teeth and staining them yellow. Other beverages that cause tooth discoloration are wine and grape juice. If straws and adult sippy cups are not an option (definitely a no-no with wine!), brush your teeth or rinse your mouth immediately after.

2. Quit smoking. 
Easier said than done, but aside from the health hazards which may not be apparent now but creep up on you later in life, vanity makes a good case for quitting cold turkey. Those icky yellow-brown nicotine stains that can’t be removed by brushing alone, and the more you smoke, the more those stains penetrate the tooth enamel. Smoking also blackens gums, and causes bad breath—not cool. 

Also read: Beauty Tips For Late-Nighters

3. Visit the dentist regularly. 
You know the drill: visit the dentist for a regular check-up every six months to professionally clean and polish your teeth and keep cavities at bay. Need an incentive? The more regular your visits and the more diligent you are in caring for your teeth, the less procedures (and less accompanying pain) need to be done to your teeth.

4. Be OC about your teeth.
 Brush and floss, and rinse with a mild mouthwash every morning and night. Brush your teeth after every meal as well. Yes, that means bringing your dental kit to the office/school—don’t mind the strange stares you get at the washroom, at least you’re the one with clean, white teeth and fresh breath!

Also read:
 Quick Beauty-On-The-Go Fixes

5. Quick fixes. 
No chance to brush your teeth after lunch? Make sure you drink lots of water to wash your meal down (no gargling at the table though!), and munch on apples, carrots or celery which can scrub teeth clean and increase saliva production to keep stains (and bad breath!) at bay. 

6. Whitening products. 
Because having whitening procedures done regularly can be quite costly, you can get some help from over-the-counter oral care products like bleaching kits, strips, and whitening toothpaste. However, when applied incorrectly, whitening kits may actually weaken teeth and damage gums, and bleaching too often can turn teeth unnaturally white. For safe and convenient teeth whitening, choose a whitening toothpaste that is clinically proven to reduce yellowing, tooth stains and plaque build-up while providing the protection of a fluoride toothpaste, for healthier teeth and a brighter smile! 

This article can only be helpful if we have discipline and if we take care of ourselves just like we take good care of the things we have. This will booze our confidence too. It's certainly fine to enjoy eating, it is one source of happiness and diverting stress in a good way. But as we enjoy it, let's not forget to protect our teeth being the instrument when munching the food we're craving. ☺☺☺

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