Monday, September 16, 2013

my 25th rocks!

It's been a while since I posted something personal here. And it's not yet late to share  this awesome celebration happened just few days ago. September 12,2013, I turned 25 and celebrate it with my family and my husband. Yes! finally! the long wait was over. Papa and babe got the chance to meet each other. I didn't know that babe had this plan of surprising me on my birthday. 

And it was like this..

Babe: Ano gawa mo?
Me: Nagpapahinga. Ikaw?
Babe: Eto papunta ako sa a.bonifacio, may iggreet lang ako and pagbibigyan ng cake.

I was really anxious at that time. I'm shaking. I even told mama that I felt like I want to evaporate. hahaha But like what babe said, there's no more time to prolong the agony. I eventually agreed and I was really excited at the same time nervous. Lot's of gratitude to my ever loving and supportive sister whom we contacted to accompany babe. On their way, I'm rattled! hahaha I didn't know what to do until kuya told me that they were downstairs already. I literally held my nephew EJ as a sort of prop. hahaha 

Mama, Joyce and babe said papa nodded at him. While they were getting ready, the two were so relax (Joyce and babe). They were sharing stories, laughing and cracking jokes while I'm at the corner with butterflies in my stomach and suddenly told babe we'll have dinner together with the family. He was kind of surprised but everything went well.. Thank God! And the rest is history.

On our way with my two loves..
Dinner @ Flavours of China
with kuya ☺

One of the people I look up to. A gentleman. Someone who deserves to be loved and be accepted for who he is. One of my security blanket who untiringly protects me specially during those times I'm intimidated. Very supportive and loving. A hell of a joke cracker! One of a kind brother! you!

My sister. My best friend.

She never fails to surprise me. Ready to listen and to lend her hand for me and babe. Also her partner Toy. The two who witnessed me and babe's ups and downs but never gave up on us. The people who believes that we can work our relationship out despite our differences and shortcomings. Accepts us and supports us all the way to altar. More than the treats, the collage, gift, etc. I love this two just being the person they are. No pretensions. Very genuine people, kind and nice inside and out. Our forever solid support system. I you two! Forever!

My parents with aja! them so much!

All this years, it was my parents who guided me in everything that I do. I may consider myself far independent compared before but certainly I wouldn't be where I am if they weren't there to love me unconditionally and will surely pick me up every time I fall. I love them forever.. (teary eyes hehehe). I wont get tired loving them and taking good care of them until my last breathe. 

so cute baby aja

These kids are the angels of our family. We had been thru a lot, but having them makes things lighter. Were happy and excited seeing them grow up. We were together most of the time because of them. We remember our childhood in them. Crazy, loud, moody, talented, smart and very thoughtful kids. But without our Kuya Michael we won't have them around and despite some conflicts, we love our kuya so much. He will always be our Big Brother. We love these kids as much as we love their dada ☺

My family. I them so much! 
My everything..

There were countless of blessings  I received for the past 25 years but one thing unexpected I'm grateful about was having this guy beside me. Yes, I prayed to Him that I'm not hopeless. I'm just waiting for the right person and the last person I will love and marry. To be with for the rest of my life. Astonishingly, the "Morgan" I have known, the person I thought I will no longer have an encounter with, now, is the reason why I'm complete. We had a roller coaster 3 years and counting but a forever commitment. I love him so much that imperfections and differences won't be any hindrance. I live, love and laugh because of him. I can not just thank him for accepting my out of this world tantrums. Every moment with him is just worth fighting for. And even on my next life, I will beg to have him still as my partner, my husband, my best friend, my love, my confidant, my everything...

Expressing my gratitude to everyone who greeted me and made my 25th wonderful!

Indeed, my 25th rocks! Maybe not in the world of luxurious things, but in the world full of love and happiness! I can never live without you guys.. you mean the world to me. I love you Mama, Papa, Babe, Kuya Michael, Kuya Mark, Joyce&Toy, Kuya Dwayne, Laura, Ej! And the rest of my love ones.. 

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