Friday, January 3, 2014

First FRIDAY of 2014

It was another alone time for me today.. I don't have plans as usual. I thought of visiting my sister yet again I wanted to have an "ALONE TIME".. So I think it was destined that fate brought me to a church somewhere in Sta.Cruz. I really forgot that church and my mind sets for a first Friday mass attendance. Thank God for a nice weather, I'm safe and was able to be there before it started. As mentioned on my earlier post last Jan. 1, I'm going through something difficult now. I'm confused, I'm in pain, I'm bothered, sad and broke.. And being able to talk to God and to be present at the Eucharistic celebration was indeed timely and a comfort on my end. It was well presented by the priest, tho they lack people for the first part, I deeply appreciates how he imparted the gospel of the day. As always, I was seated 3rd row in front so I could clearly see the presider and won't be disturbed with unnecessary stuff around. The gospel was all about knowing your role.. The priest started it by incorporating the words from the bible about how John the Baptist ignored the praises and the authority from those who believed he was the Messiah, the Great prophet, our Savior. He denied it and pointed unto Jesus Christ, the One who will save us from our sins. He didn't embraced the popularity, the power that he can acknowledge and all the admiration of those who believe it was Him. And the priest said, the reality of today, in order to avoid conflicts, we should know our roles in life. He even shared a personal experience. He was invited to preside the mass in a mall, and he kindly asked if they can have a slot in the parking area just for that instance because he will be coming from another mass too and he needed to hurried going to the mall so he thought of asking for it so it won't consume some of their time. When they reach the parking area, they saw a free space and so they asked the security guard if they could park from there. The priest narrated that they were turned down. The security guard yelled at them and told them it was reserved for a VIP and had nothing to do but turned around. As the priest prepared his things, and held his "Sutana", the guard figured out he was a priest and was so ashamed of what he did. This only proves that if you know your role, conflict will be prevented. You don't simply judge a person or used your power on your advantage. If you know your role by heart, you can never go wrong in life. The priest also said that even all of the members of their family calls him "Father", still, he is the son of his parents, the son of his own father. Regardless his endeavor in life. 

I know for sure what my role in life is. And if I'll get lost, I'm willing to find ways to discover it myself and it will led me to a better direction, a better person than I was yesterday... God bless us all ☻

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