Sunday, June 15, 2014

It's not the destination.. It's OUR journey.

Wow! So surprising. I'm about to finished halfway of my entry until this unfortunate thing happened. And I'm back to scratch. Anyhow, at least the advantage of re-blogging this event is going back to every detail of our mini summer vacation. Astonishingly, a month had passed since that wonderful trip. It was May 18,2014 of Sunday when everything that we planned turned well. But weeks before that day, we were still re-searching as to where will be the destination, what date etc. We were stuck between Marlou, Berna and other beach resorts in Nasugbu. Blogs were definitely a big help of providing real point of views of tourists, customers and visitors to different places specially whenever it's summer. I am definitely lucky to have a partner such as babe. Stuff like swimwear, shades, sunblock, bag and things that we needed to bring were already prepared ahead of time, tho some of babe's items were a few minute purchased, it was all worth it. (He can't say no.. hehehehe)

We finalized the date and thought of having our trip on a week end. So days before, we already called and sent messages for inquiries and we were told that Berna was fully booked on a Saturday. I got anxious because among the choices we had, Berna was our top pick, looks good on blogger's photo galleries, positive feed backs and  good ratings from reviews. Until my smart husband decided to moved our trip on a Sunday-Monday weekday getaway. He called Berna and he was informed that there were still available rooms on that day. Yehey! Certainly a good news for us.

Came Sunday, May 18, 2014, we were just so excited and we really can't wait. Ehem. I'm proud to say I woke up earlier than him and since he came late we didn't hit our target call time.. hahahah but that's fine. I was just happily waiting till he fetched me and what an additional bonus, another last minute thing, babe texted me saying he brought the car with him as suggested by daddy Dong. 

He left the car at Alabang and fetched me. We left the house 11 a.m . and took the train going to Metroplis where he parked and I was able to changed my outfit hehehe. Just getting started.

As we locked our seat belts, our journey just begun. We were so relaxed, we talked about anything we could think of, we had the craziest, loudest laughter, the silliest jokes, smooth driving and just bunch of memorable time together, and.. I've got a great driver hahaha (hashtag #driver). It was indeed the best road trip for us. Very serene, sunny weather on our way, less traffic and non-stop happiness. Since it was already passed noon time, we were starving. At first, babe preferred to go on a drive thru meal then "Eh, wag na. Hindi tayo nagmamadali". And that statement made our trip more meaningful and fun. 

As babe drove up and hit Tagaytay City, he suddenly decided to take our lunch at Mushroom Burger. There were plenty of people but good thing we still had a parking space and table available.

I ordered a fish fillet burger with fries while babe's pick was rice meal with mushroom patties and vegetable side dish. I was diappointed with my meal and just like before we switched meal so I could eat better. (He's always like that. I'm lucky right? Very considerate. He takes care of me very well.)

Our road trip continued. How we love nature and the fresh air. We had the chance to put our windows down and just feel the breezed on our skin. It was picture perfect. It was unlimited throwing of jokes, stories and kisses in between that I didn't realized we were approaching Nasugbu already. Yay!

I was really astonished that we were almost at our destination yet babe just drove at a normal pace.We stopped over a store and they gave us directions. We gave it a try but it was quite vague until we reached a port, made our way out there and little did we know we're at the entrance of Canyon Cove already. hahahaha Just one of the few places we're planning to go to.

We quickly backed off and babe called Berna and they provided instructions.

 We asked few people too till babe told me.. "Eto na yun". Down the street, Berna Beach Resort welcomed us. Yehey! We went straight to the reception area and they accompanied us to our room. We had a nice spacious room with hot shower. We also had tv and wifi.

We glanced inside very brief, we didn't get our stuff yet then hurried our way down the beach.

As we looked around the resort, it was clean and very inviting. There were visitors of all ages and group. From kids, teens, couple, circle of friends and families enjoying the pool and the surroundings. It was a pretty nice resort. As we made our way down the beach, there were humongous number of people as expected and as we approached the shoreline, we got disappointed because there were floating trash anywhere the shore. We were really disgusted and shocked. Surely it was the visitors' undisciplined behavior that led to that kind of messed, but then again, the management and the staff are still accountable to that for the benefit of their future visitors.

It took us a while to convinced ourselves to dipped into the beach. But it was proven that nothing could ruin our time together even the things we could no longer control.

So we still decided to enjoy the afternoon beach life and had fun dipping like children and witnessed the sunset.The water was actually clear and as we were getting far from the shore, the water level didn't changed. When it was getting dark, we washed quickly and transferred at the pool. The water was kinda warm and we loved cuddling, gliding and playing into the water. We stayed hours at the pool and we really enjoyed it even other visitors did. Before it went late, we went back to our room, had shower and babe opted to had our dinner outside. There were still plenty of stores open plus the #WhyNot kind of clubs hahaha like for real. Fortunately we were able to ate at Chowking being the last customers to be served. We enjoyed our meal, of course interaction in between plus the hash tag #WillingToWait moments.. hahaha

We were full and drove down the streets and had our coffee session at 7-11. It was one of our favorite part of the journey. Just a simple relaxed time conversing, joking around into such peaceful town, no destructing noise or pollution, just few simple people, just the two of us savoring each second over a cup of coffee. We stayed there for like an hour then walked, drove back to look for some sticks and had some smoke session with manong guard. They opened the pool even if it's late at night already and there were still few people enjoying it. We decided not to swim and just roamed around the pool and beach area. Very calm night. 

It was getting late and we prepared ourselves to sleep. It was a magical and irreplaceable time being with my love and sleeping right next to him. We slept around 2:30 a.m.
The following day, such an odd thing that I woke up first and I was like too anxious what time it was because I could already hear some noise outside and the sun was up so I was like, do I need to wake him up or not? But babe was really having a good sleep while snoring hehehe. So, I quickly ran to the washroom, went back to bed and opened the tv making sure the volume was tuned down. Cause I didn't wanna disturb my husband's sleep. While hooking down the channels, I stopped with the time on it and I was relieved when I saw that it was only 5:45 in the morning. Whew! So babe got to have an ample time to rest. I lade back and I heard my stomach trembling ahahaha. Yah I was hungry.At first I wanna call the resto and asked for the menu or what not but I hesitated. and ooppss my eyes shined like a diamond hahahaha. I saw the polvoron  and I sat down, munching like a kid. Few minutes had passed and I whispered on his ear .. "Babe, 9 o'clock na". He was shocked and didn't knew what to do. I was guilty but my purpose turned out well. hahahhaa

We got up and prepared for the day ahead of us. Babe went straight to the resto bar but he was informed that it will be opened by 8, so we went outside and explore the town and had our morning meal at Jollibee happy. We had a good breakfast. A better way to start our day. A not so busy ambiance, considering it was Monday. We could've stayed a little longer but I needed to drink medicine for my tummy and my husband who happened to be my nurse took care of me very well.


After recharging ourselves from sleep and satisfying our starved stomach, we maximized our time left at the resort. Before heading to the beach, this is what I'm doing while waiting for babe. hehehe

Second to my favorite was our time at the beach in the morning. There were only few people who took advantage of the sunny weather and we liked it that way. We enjoyed the calm water of the beach and  it's serenity. We were there for like two hours. Tho it was high tide we still managed to swim, play around and glide into the water. We even had serious talks in between. We love that the sun is up but we're fine with it (credit to our cute shades hehehe). It was just so peaceful, so magnificent, how beautiful the surrounding was, the cold air, the mountain view like it was on painting, the clouds up high, the two of us just loving our precious time together. It was priceless. I wouldn't trade it for anything. before I forgot, there were two cute fish that kept on following us. Like I swear, probably they were a couple too. hahahaha

Next and last shot at the pool...

We were so glad to be able to have some time in the pool because it was crazy that people kept on coming even on a Monday. They were enjoying  the entire place and so did we. We had enough relaxation tho we didn't wanna end up our mini getaway, we needed to prepare already. After a warm shower, we fixed our stuff, checked all the items and brought into the car, stroll back to the beach and the sand were crawling so hot on our feet. The heat of the sun does defined what summer is all about. We had some photo taking before leaving the place.

The beach itself may not be perfect like the others, the sand is not as white as a pearl and the water is not as blue as the sky, but I would say we still had a marvelous time. Thank you Berna Beach, we had a great time.

Back on the road, the sun was just unstoppable that my husband's sensitive skin got irritated hehehe (for real.. real na real real na real.. hahahaha). We stopped over and bought a pandan shake to beat the heat plus the air-con was such a big  factor and we were chilled. Our road trip was a long stretched of good times and it was really a blast. We were so relaxed enjoying the nice view, no music on, just our laughter and simple talks in between, just the two of us travelling, we held each other as tight as we could, bunched of hugs and kisses, eyes that always meet together and now as I'm typing, I really missed those times a lot. I missed my husband so much and I wouldn't get tired of reminiscing those precious times we had and we'll gonna have soon..

My husband's driving was very smooth and he suggested to have our lunch at Laguna where they discovered a very appetizing binalot that people kept on going back because it was really delicious. So it was a long drive but definitely no wasted time. No dull moments. As we approached Tagaytay, my husband excitedly thought why don't we drop by Caleruega. Our first time there was way back 2 or 3 years ago when we attended his friend's wedding. We were excited, a side trip indeed. It was a rough road at the beginning and we got lost hahaha but good thing we were just few blocks away from the entrance and so co-incidence manong was offering "langka" (#langka) and I just couldn't help it. hahahaha

It was passed noon time and it was smoking hot. hahaha but nothing could hinder us from exploring. There were retreats going on at that time and a wedding just bound to begun. We roam around, had pictures, and it was just refreshing to see the breath taking view from our end, the surroundings filled with plants, flowers and trees, beautifully done landscapes, the cleanliness, the solemnity and uniqueness of the chapel. We loved it. Another banked memories to our mini vacation.

There's more Caleruega could offer but we could no longer tolerate the degree of hotness and we needed to leaved the place. My husband's idea to capture the view from the photo below. Stunning!

It was a long drive till we reached the humbled eatery of binalot. I'm a bit anxious of babe when he got pissed because there's no way we could park immediately, we needed to like literally drove in and out of the streets.

Finally, the long wait was over, babe ordered right away. It was truly delicious we ate it with much relish. Combination of chicken, pork, meat, chorizo in one packed and the sauced killed our starved tummies! Thumbs up.

We were early and there's the traffic jam. But who cares, every detail was worth it

These photos only proves how immense love we have for each other.The serenity and gaiety ambiance the destinations showcased us was pretty impressive. Exhilarating indeed. We will cherished another unforgettable and top most amazing getaway we had.But more than the place itself, it was the emotions in between, the countless times we laugh our hearts out, the sweetest moments of kissing, cuddling and giggling, the spark and the love that you don't wanna end the wonderful journey you have together. 

Yes, it's not about the destination.. It's all about OUR JOURNEY. I love you so much my husband, I will never get tired of exploring new things, new places with you. I miss you so much.. Till the next chapter of our journey.


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  2. Browsing the net searching for a perfect placee to marry my gf and since she kept mentioning caleruega, I thought ofreading feedbacks and viewing photos. Amongst the wedding storylines and captured photos in this place,this is the cutest agreed by us two. Thank you for sharing awsome kakilig shots.we'll view this more often, GB


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